Thursday 1 December 2011

Supervisor Meeting - Jeanette 2

Meeting number two with Jeanette. I updated her on the progress of the project and showed her the work so far which I have been developing. She confirmed my research question was valid and had some useful comments about the animatic and storyboard. Still early days but so far heading in the right direction.

Jeanette's written comments:

You are making good progress and have a clear plan. Give further consideration to the 'nature' aspects, how you will portray the manifesto e.g. through adverts/ sounds. think about details of the building and how they will look in different weather/ times of day.

Meeting Notes/ Conclusions:
- Use atmosphere and weather to portray the natural element of the site
- Keep my research question visible so that I don't stray off course.
- Continue experimenting with working the manifesto into the building
- Consider running the proposed schedule past John McGhee for technical advice
- Good idea to create adverts exploring the public reaction and scale of the building on the site

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