Monday 24 October 2011

Manifesto of Futurist Architecture

Turn the volume up and listen to the madness. There is no picture.

"The Futurist Manifesto of Architecture"
Sant'Elia 1914 

"No architecture has existed since 1700"

"This architecture cannot be subjected to any law of historical continuity. It must be new, just as our state of mind is new"

"The utter antithesis between the modern world and the old is determined by all those things that were formerly non-existent"

"We have lost our predilection for the monumental, the heavy, the static, and we have enriched our sensibility with a taste for the light, the practical, the ephemeral and the swift. We no longer feel ourselves to be the men of the cathedrals, the palaces and the podiums. We are the men of the great hotels, the railway stations, the immense streets, colossal ports, covered markets, luminous arcades, straight roads and beneficial demolitions."

This is a poor recording I made earlier of the Futurist Architecture Manifesto written by Sant'Elia [and most likely Marinetti] in 1914. The original manifesto accompanied Sant'Elia's New Tendencies exhibition and is a mad and enigmatic piece of writing. I recorded it in order to help me begin to formulate a narrative to my Master's film, so I could listen to it on the move while at Waverley itself and to get across some of the frantic speed and language used by the Futurist's. I hope at some point to get a professional or fellow male student to record it and play around with some typography/ sound bites for the film. The youtube link below is a similar idea but is a recording of the original Futurist manifesto from 1909. Love it or hate it it is certainly dynamic stuff!

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