Monday 9 July 2012

Glass and Lighting Experiments

I've also been experimenting with the lighting on the external shot looking in. I've been finding it tricky to get the right kind of atmosphere with the light as it is continually looking flat. Because there is frosted glass I would like the internal to be simply lit but glow slightly however maybe this is something I can do in post production. I have also been experimenting with different settings and presets for the glass in this shot. So far I'm not 100% happy with it as I would like it to be more grainy and translucent. I think what I may do with this scene is render it out in three layers : one with the internal back wall, one with the glass and one with the foreground. Although this will take longer it will allow me to experiment in 2D with the transparency and light in a more familiar way. 

Imported lighting from external scene:

Added 2 area lights and a spotlight to the internal model:

Adjusted the global illumination settings : 

Added in the glass presets from the external model: 

Began experimenting with the glass translucency and other properties:

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